Frequently asked questions

Does Couscous supports GitHub fenced code blocks in Markdown?


Yes, they work just like on

Links in Markdown are rewritten to link to HTML pages:

  • A link to will be rewritten to something.html;
  • A link to will be rewritten to something-else.html;
  • A link to will be rewritten to contributing.html;
  • A link to will be rewritten to index.html.

Can I use it for a blog?

Probably not yet, but you are welcome to try. PHP-DI's website has a pseudo-blog where the article list is written manually: it's possible, but not (yet) super easy.

Can I deploy the website to something else than GitHub Pages?

It is planned! In the meantime, you can simply use couscous generate and upload the files to your webserver manually.

Can I add twig extensions?

Yes. In your template directory. Add a file called twig.php with the following contents:


use Twig_Environment as Environment;

// Use "include_once" since this file may be called multiple times
include_once dirname(__DIR__).'/Twig/MyTwigExtension.php';

return function (Environment $twig) {
    $twig->addExtension(new MyTwigExtension());

Why not build Couscous on top of Sculpin?

I tried.

Why is it named Couscous?

Because Couscous is good, and so is this.